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Euclid and Jesus: How and why the church changed mathematics and Christianity across two religious wars, by C. K. Raju
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Euclid is celebrated as the father of geometry, and author of the Elements, a book once revered like the Bible, but now a school text. Strangely, Greek manuscripts do not mention Euclid, but speak anonymously of the “author of the Elements”. Did Euclid exist? Was the real author of the Elements a woman, Hypatia? Was she black? The mystery geometry of black Egypt aimed to arouse the soul, and prove equity, as in Plato's story of Socrates and the slave boy. Early Christians had similar beliefs about the soul, but the church changed Christian doctrine to enable its priests to rule. When pagans resisted, the church retaliated violently: it smashed their temples, burnt their libraries, cursed the early beliefs about the soul, and banned philosophy. This plunged Christendom into its Dark Age, but catalysed the Islamic Golden Age. The contrast fuelled envy, and Christian priests incited the Crusades, hoping to grab Muslim wealth—but the Crusades failed beyond Spain. To convert Muslims, who accepted reason, the church now sought mathematics, connecting it to Christian doctrine by changing both. That led to a subtle religious bias in mathematics, and to its racist history. This book is for the layperson concerned that both biases are still being thrust upon schoolchildren today.
- Sales Rank: #691853 in Books
- Published on: 2013-04-23
- Original language: English
- Dimensions: 8.50" h x .50" w x 5.50" l,
- Binding: Paperback
- 220 pages
Most helpful customer reviews
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
This narrative is a perfect example of how even though facts are out in ...
By Rohith
This narrative is a perfect example of how even though facts are out in the public, we wont usually connect the dots to realize the lies peddled to us by organized cults. It would have taken immense effort to collect all the facts mentioned in the book. Connecting the dots is the easiest thing.
A systematic annihilation of the myth "most of secular scientific knowledge has originated in Greece". It is the single biggest crime committed against human psych by current secular educators. Many of us would have had a feeling that it is a myth. We can even see the means and opportunity of the church to carry out such a crime through its "world class" universities. After all, even during the age of Internet, authorities get away with lying for several years before truth is uncovered. So it must be very easy in medieval times. The challenge is not finding the means and opportunity. The challenge is finding a motive. You can't really charge them guilty without it. This book provides exactly that, the motive: Why is it necessary for a systematic myth building about origin of knowledge in Greece? What is the necessity for the church(priests to be precise) to start such a myth?
This book is more enlightening to an honest Christian who believes in the doctrine of love but is shocked by doctrine of sin used by Church throughout history to oppress people.
In spirit of following the author's advice in the epilogue, the best way to read the book is to check every fact mentioned by the author after each chapter:
As for those young people who are victims of these biases, get rid of those biases even if they are forced on you by your parents and teachers. A simple way to do so is to ask questions. If the answers sound like story-telling, used to preserve lies, you know what trick is at work. Remember, they can’t capture your mind without your consent. Don’t give that consent: keep asking questions, and see how those stories fall apart.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
By Molefi Kete Asante
Raju remains one of the most important contemporary thinkers in the world today. He is brilliant, insightful, and has a wide view of human knowledge. This is a magnificent work.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Rathael G. Fambro
great book exposing again the fallacy, and racism of european and european-american scholarship.
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